If you visit this Web site we will collect and store only the following
non-personally identifying information from you: the name of the domain
name from which you access the Internet; the date and time you access our
site; and the Internet address of the Website from which you linked
directly to our site.
We use this information to measure the number of visitors to the different
sections of our Website, to help us make our site more useful to visitors,
and to measure the amount of traffic generated through our affiliate
network. We DO NOT share, rent, or sell this information to any Third
Party and all such information is held in the strictest confidence.
The only personally identifying information we collect and store about you
is the information you choose to provide to us, such as your email
address, telephone number, mailing address and zip code. This and other
personal information may be required in exchange for viewing content
within the "restricted" areas of this Website or to subscribe to a
membership to this website.
We DO NOT share, rent, or sell any personally identifying information you
provide us to any Third Party. All such information is collected on secure
web pages only and is held in the strictest confidence.